The design of packaging box

Fri Apr 15 10:20:05 CST 2022

When customers choose a variety of goods, their eyes stay on each product for a short time. Therefore, a variety of packaging boxes (watch boxes, earring boxes, necklace boxes, perfume boxes,  cigarette boxes,wine boxes, tea boxes,, skin care products packaging boxes) design must be direct, intuitive.They must can attract consumers.

This requires the designer to use the design and color of the plane modeling design appropriately, grasp the correct rhythm, the choice of material and so on.Understanding and mastering packaging is a good advertisement for products.Good packaging box design is a key component of successful sales, which is more fully reflected in retail packaging.

Every time the customer designs, it is often for various reasons.Sometimes a new product is introduced, sometimes to improve the packaging boxes (watch boxes, earrings boxes, necklace boxes, perfume boxes, cigarette boxes, wine boxes, tea boxes, skin care care boxes, cosmetics boxes, high-end gift boxes) to update the original product.Whatever the customer's design motivation is, we must fully understand the consumer's needs.This requires designers to have a certain understanding of the market.If customers launch a new product, it is necessary to conduct research, where the target market is, and how to develop the corresponding design scheme for the target consumer group.In short, the more fully understand the customer situation, the more accurate the market positioning bar, the better the final packaging box design effect.