Need to understand the product brand, in order to be the best product packaging design

Sat Jul 30 10:23:31 CST 2022

Need to understand the product brand, in order to be the best product packaging design

When we do product packaging design, we need to consider not only the mastery of visual elements and the innovation of structural material, but also the overall understanding of the whole marketing planning involving the product.Without an understanding of product marketing plans, it is unlikely to make mature packaging works.

If we do not know the product positioning, product target group, product sales channel, product marketing strategy and subsequent promotion strategy, it is impossible to establish the evaluation criteria for the quality of product packaging design works.Even if the packaging is well done visually and structured, it can't be a perfect box.

In the process of product birth, for the product packaging designers of the product development, product positioning analysis, product sales strategy and other links, we should fully understand the relevant details. Designers should actively communicate with companies to learn as much as possible about their expectations for new products and their marketing strategies. Only in this way can we design a packaging box recognized by consumers.